Occupy Los Angeles and the 99%

Protestors outside Los Angeles City Hall continue the latest US anti-capitalist movement which started in Wall Street.

Earlier in the year protestors around England and across Europe and the middle-east have marched and battled with police against government measures to cut welfare, benefits and public spaces.

Occupy LA & the 99% Uncut – A Film by GLIU – You Tube

Occupy LA and the 99% by GLIU Photography & Film

Occupy LA

3 thoughts on “Occupy Los Angeles and the 99%

  1. Pingback: Dear Dirty America: Occupy Los Angeles: Storming the Financial District « Talesfromthelou's Blog

  2. Pingback: Los que van a morir te saludan… ¡o no! | El Mundo de Luis Daniel Beltrán

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