How to Blog WordPress Dashboard

The body goes here. I would suggest writing your blog on Word so that you can check for spelling and have the  content saved just in case you crash.

All content must have at least one Link to your website or social network and perhaps a link to a magazine, news article or website which hits on your content. Please look at online magazines, online newspaper and popular blogs for examples of how it’s done. You will notice that the title of the blog is just like a newspaper or magazine heading. The creation of your title automatically becomes your URL – this is why you must have keywords so that it is grabbed for SEO. Again, look at magazines and newspapers – keep the title short and to the point and right on the subject. Top Tens are very popular with readers as they know they are usually going to read a top ten list that hits the points and is easy to read and navigate.

The body of the blog is to be laid out just like any online magazine or newspaper  – paragraph breaks, images and videos. The bar above has basic document editing such as Bold, Italics and bullet points. On the right of text alignment  – left, center and right, you will notice two Link symbols. This is how we link your blog to another website. In order to do this you must highlight the area in your blog you wish to post the link – you can highlight a letter, word or paragraph. Highlight it then click the Link on the left. An Insert Link pop up box…pops up. You enter the web URL address in full and click Add Link. To change your mind – you can break the link by highlighting the link and then clicking the broken Link symbol.

It’s best to have an image with every post as we tend to bark at too much text. I’m going to publish this and then post a new blog with an image.

Before you click the Publish button on the right. Enter Tags below – this is for your SEO. Tags are keywords to do with your blog post. Click Add. If you don’t want to Publish just yet -perhaps you want to back up a few posts and publish them at different times, you can click on Save Draft on the top right. You can also click on Preview to see if your post is looking how you want it – paragraphs, images, links, etc. Below the Publish button is Categories. This is to sort/file your blog posts into relevant groups. For instance, you can Add New Category for one of your subjects. Whenever your blog post is about that subject you can click on that Category and after it is published it will be filled on your blog for readers to see all the blog posts to do with this particular subject.

Even after you’ve published a post, you can still go back to edit it in the Dashboard or delete it or hide it for future publishing.

Okay, Publish this and now I’m on to an imaged blog post.

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